We organize a zen sesshin in the tradition of Master Deshimaru’s school, by the sea side, near Göteborg. The teaching is given by the zen nun Reikiku Femenias .
Price is 500-600 Kronors depending on your means. Strandbynäsgård is right by the sea side, 10 kilometer from Ljungskile, adress is ANDEKÄRR 332, Ljungskile. Arrival is on Friday~19h, leave on sunday after lunch. Sittting schedule is: 7:30, 11:00, 17:00, 20:30 on saturday, 7:30, 11:00 on sunday. Each sitting includes two zazen and a kin-hin in between exept the afternoon zazen of 17:00 which is three zazen.
What to bring: A zafu, clothes for meditation (dark colors, not tight), a blanket. We will organize a car pooling from Göteborg, subscribe before friday, sept 18 by sending an email to gruau at lri dot fr or sms to 0735570048.