Sesshin & kesa sewing, 8-9 october with master Gyu Ji Igelnick

sesshin-suede-2016Master Gyu Ji Igelnick comes to Göteborg to direct a sesshin 8th to 9th of October.
She is the main  responsible for kesa sewing in  our sangha.
Saturday will be dedicated to zazen, seated meditation and Sunday to kesa sewing. You can take part of the whole program or only Saturday or Sunday.
The event takes place in Göteborg city, at Distansgatan 59, Västra Frölunda.
Beginners as well as those acquainted with zazen are welcome. If you need to stay over the night this can be arranged for.

First zazen 8:30, please arrive at 8:00
Zazen 11:00
Lunch + rest/walk or kesa sewing
Zazen 16:30
Zazen 19:30
Sunday: zazen: 8:30 kesa sewing ~11:00 -13:00, ~15h-17:00

Arrival time: 8:00 or at least 30 min before each zazen.
Price: Saturday & Sunday : 500 Kr, One day: 250 Kr. The price includes the meal.

Contact: femenias at chalmers dot se, 073- 557 00 48, 031- 353 08 38

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