We organize the end-of-year zen sesshin in the tradition of Master Deshimaru’s school, by the sea side, near Göteborg. The sesshin starts in the morning and finishes the same day, late at night. The teaching is given by the monk Senki Gruau.
Price is 300 or 400 Kronors depending on your means Strandbynäsgård is right by the sea side, 10 kilometer from Ljungskile, adress is ANDEKÄRR 332, Ljungskile. Arrival is on Saturday ~8h, leave on sunday after brunch. Approximate sittting schedule: 9:00, 11:30, 17:00, 20:30, 22:00, 00:30. Each sitting includes two zazen and a kin-hin in between exept the afternoon zazen of 17:00 which is three zazen.
What to bring: A zafu, clothe for meditation (not tight, dark colors), a blanket. We will organize a car pooling from Göteborg, subscribe before friday dec 28th, by sending an email to gruau at lri dot fr.